Saturday, October 31, 2009

Dancing in the Halloween spirit

Some of the photos aren't the best since I wasn't a very active photographer that night, but I tried my best...and here is the result.

Little Pocahontas, the ultimate hippie, and the gorgeous gypsy were of course all attending...

And here's tonight's most dangerous (humpf humpf) vampire.

Tarane was the cutest little housewife á la Wisteria Lane.

Oscar didn't wear a costume, so he had to dance his way in. :P

Yeay, two hippies were posing for peace that night.


Happy Halloween everyone! Tonight I am going to follow mami to the cemetery to light up some candles and then I will probably be back to upload some pictures from yesterday. So you'll get to see my last night's attempt to look like a vampire...Too bad I didn't find a real one (i.e. Edward Cullen like) though...

Friday, October 30, 2009


Honestly I don't have that much time for blogging right now, since I'm getting ready for a last minute Halloween party at one of my friend's. And let me just tell you - it was really LAST MINUTE. So I had to find a last minute costume just now, or it's more of an upgraded outfit really. Because a real costume I had no time to find...Anyhow, I'm suppose to be a vampire so we'll see if the people there can figure that out without me pulling the line "I want to suck your blood", with that Italian accent Lewar thaught me a while back...

OK, I should really get ready now before my bus leaves. Here are some pictures from today's earlier yummi-yum-yum stuff. Oh, and by the way, have a great evening! ;D

Had a Storkens specialare (Storken's special) with Maria today at Storken.

And this was what my little angel Vicki came home with after work: chicken skewers á la satay/teriyaki.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Subway debut

The company was great and Subway was y-u-m-m-o. Unfortunately Shilan couldn't make it because of a family thing, but you all know what I think about such circumstances: FAMILY FIRST (good lord I sound like Dr. Phil! But hasn't he go a book called that? ^^). Anyway, here are some pictures from my Subway debut...

Me and Hanna, very happy about our subs. ;D

Lewar's hair was so lovely today...envy. -.-

Grand opening...

First bite and I was already in bliss.

Looking through the window made me think that Uppsala is pretty cozy sometimes after all...

-Yes, I'm a SUBWAY virgin ;)

Time to take a quick shower before I meet up with Shilan, Lewar, and Hanna for a lunch date at Subway. Actually we were planning to go for some kind of Asian food/buffet, but I simply had to decline because at the moment I just want to puke thinking of Uppsala's supply of Asian food. It's not that it's bad IN THAT WAY, it's just that I've just had too much of it in the previous weeks and it almost tastes the same everywhere, so no thanks! However, that was when I got the idea of going to Subway because embarrassingly enough I'm still a Subway virgin...hehe. When I told my friends that the other day, they just went crazy.

They: "Wait, wait...WHAAAT? You haven't been to Subway!?"
Me: noo...
They: EVERYONE has been to Subway...Hey, don't worry, we'll take you to Subway. You have to eat at Subway!
Me: haha...well that was the idea since you're like the "Subway experts"... ;)
They: hehe...yes we are :)

That's how it went down, and now I'm finally going to have my first sub at Subway. See you later!

Don't know if I dare to eat that meatball one though, haha...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My way of doing it

I can proudly announce that I payed Centralbadet's pool a visit today. One hour of constant swimming and another one in the sauna left me exhausted...and I still am. It feels good to get a decent work out, but you're not suppose to feel half dead at the same time huh? Maybe that's why I don't work out "for real" that often, hehe.

I know that it might be better to divide your training routes into smaller parts, and thereby follow it as a weekly routine. However, my way of doing it isn't really built on the same basis. First of all, I don't even have a specific training routine. I just do it when I feel like it...kind of, haha. Secondly, I don't have the time to hit the gym every week (blaming it all on the IB of course, hehe - but don't get me wrong, it is true!). Thirdly, training can be soooooo boring sometimes! I really don't understand how some people just love doing it. I mean, it's the feeling afterwards that you might love. When you feel so good, and are so proud of yourself, not the actual "Oh my god, it feels so great to sweat! I really love the adrenaline kick you get when the heart is on the edge of jumping out of the throat!". OK, maybe hat was a bad example of enthusiasm, but you get my point right?

Anyhow, in the end when I actually do a real work out, I tend to do what is considered over training...But it's only because I feel like I'm compromising for the times I haven't. Besides, I haven't got any symptoms of it hurting me so...Well, I won't be working out like this forever. It's just temporary. However I am glad that I don't go swimming that often too, because then I don't end up with pink knees as often -.-.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sunday happiness

Usually I would be quite bummed about it being Sunday, because I have always seen Sundays as the day when things come to an end. However that's not the case tonight, because I know that I have one week of freedom in front of me - fall break! Yeay for that! I will probably have some errands to run, some studying to do, and some reading to keep me busy with as well (meaning I PROMISE I will start reading New Moon). Nevertheless, I will make sure that I have time to catch up with my girls. I need it, we need it.

Alright, now I'm off to bed. Will probably be dreaming about Ed Westwick for your information, haha...Nights.

Come on, he's Chuck Bass need I say more?

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Sometimes you just got to ask yourself how you ended up in the place where you are.

For my part the day started at 10 a.m. where the family gathered around the kitchen table for our “traditional” weekend breakfast. Then in the middle of me sipping coffee, the phone rings. And from looking at the display, it’s shockingly my godfather! I answer and directly ask him “You’re in Sweden, aren’t you?”, he laughs and says “Yep, like 100 m away from you”. So I met him for coffee at Gränby Centrum (Uppsala’s biggest mall, just 5 min from our house) where we sat for a while just chatting. I haven’t seen him since my
Budapest trip in May-June so it was really nice to see him again. Also, it struck me that I’ve never had a chance to just spend time like this with him. But it was definitely fun, and the best part is that he agreed on contributing with a couple of thousands for a new hand phone ;D. See why we just LOVE godfathers!

Then I went home, passed some time by studying etc. till mami said she was ready, and we headed out for her delayed birthday dinner; let me just tell you, I was wearing a pink (of course, haha) belt around my waistline. 40 min into the dinner I had to loose it up by one hole. Another 30 min, I had to loose it up another hole. 10 min before leaving, I was just like “Arrgghh, screw the belt”.

Now I’m sitting here, wondering how I got to this point. I mean the day had started out so good, and now my stomach makes me look like I’m 5 months pregnant. Jeez…

Friday, October 23, 2009

Don't forget to laugh ;D

After watching my previous post I just can't stop laughing, hahaha...It was really weird to just sit down and talk to a camera like that, but like I said "sometimes has to be the first time right?". Nevertheless, I have to add that it was kind of fun too, haha. And judging from the feedback, maybe I have to do it again sometime. I mean who knows, I might become the next most famous TV reporter someday, so I have to practise! ;P

Moving the topic to another fun-weird incident that happened today was just before I was heading home. I went down to my locker after Chinese class, and there I met this guy that I have math and Swedish with. I was kind of shocked since it was like 5.20 p.m. and usually most of the school is empty...(Observe: he wasn't waiting for me, he was just there because...well I really don't know!) Anyway, we chatted for a while as I grabbed my stuff, and by then, I started to wonder why he was still just standing there. However, it never really bothered me since it was a nice act of him to wait for me. So then we headed towards the exit, where we found ourselves blocked by this plastic fence encircling different kinds of gym equipment. We were like "HUH? What is this nonsense?, haha" before we rounded the fence to reach the doors. But what happens then?

Romantic music starts to play! He was like "erm...okaaaaay...." and all I say is "what the...???". First of all, romantic music isn't really what you expect listening to while working out. Secondly, it couldn't have happened on a better occasion, huh?! Oh my God, how we laughed.

So people reading this post, don't forget to laugh OK? Even if it's at yourself, or at any other awkward situation. A big laugh and a smile on your face is what makes life much more bright ;D

Mei Mei video blogging ;D

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Mami's birthday =)

I can’t exactly say that my handmade birthday card was the best one, but I did my best and since I’m mami’s daughter, she (thankfully) appreciated it. Even though it apparently was a lot at work which led to her working overtime, I believe she was pretty happy about today. We decided not to go out and eat dinner until the weekend when we have more time, instead we had a lovely chicken salad. Now you might think that we are crazy celebrating a birthday with something as simple as a chicken salad, but on the other hand, that allowed us to eat more cake! So, I couldn't’t really complain, haha…

Oh, by the way, my sister is heading for her first job tomorrow! I am so happy for her. Ever since we (or mostly mum and auntie Katherine) persuaded her into not leaving us for an au-pair job in Brussels she has been searching for a job, and now - almost out of no where - she has one! So today wasn’t that bad for her either. Now she will always remember that on mami’s 47th birthday (I decided to tell her age anyway, because she only gets younger and cuter by the years) she got her first job.

Mami's gifts ;) Can you distinguish my 1 hour and 10 min made birthday card? Haha...

I was lucky she found it sweet (and even though parents tend to do that when it comes to handmade stuff their children do, at least I it made me happy ;D).

Fruity fruity fruitcake! I had two slices, so tomorrow I'm going to make sure those calories come off directly - if I have the time to in other words, hehe...

I'll try o make it "simple yet sweet"

I can't believe it's gone so fast. It feels like it was my own birhday just yesterday, and now it's my mum's!? Hopefully I will be off duty earlier today, which will give me some extra time to make mami's *pip* birthday a really great one. I won't throw her a big surprise party or anything big like that though, my mum has always prefered the more "simple yet sweet" style, but I still think that she deserves to feel that I've put some effort into her enjoying her special day so...Anyhow, we'll see what I manage to establish, wrapping up presents and making lovely decorations aren't my strongest sides, even though I found such things very mum. In the future I believe I have to get my own PA for making gifts look pretty, but right now I will do my best and maybe let Vicki save me if something goes wrong, hehe.

Anyhow, regardless of how much I would like to stay here feeding my starving little blog, duty calls and I have an economics project to present. I truly hope it will go well...Got to run.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Go Gossip Girl ;D

I will probably sound like a total “newly teen” with my over-excitement now, but it cannot be helped because tonight Gossip Girl starts again! I’ve cut down on lots of series since I started college, because I simply don’t have the time to glue myself in front of the TV every single day of the week to watch every single “favorite show” of mine anymore. In a way, it’s kind of good because there was a lot of crap I could waste my time on during those days…However, it never really got to the point of watching Family Guy or David Letterman (thank God!)…Now I have cut down on my long list of “must watch because it’s my favorite series” to three essential ones: One Tree Hill, Ugly Betty, and Gossip Girl.

It feels good to not have Desperate Housewives or Grey’s Anatomy ruling my evenings, but at the same time I miss the feeling of not having anything to do, and instead watch a lot of TV, haha. But as they say: things change, and hopefully for the better. So maybe I had to give up late nights with Prison Break in order to gain something else, like the understanding of how to priority something. Which Gossip Girl is a perfect example of! (So seriously, it’s nothing wrong with getting this excited!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lunch date with sis

Took advantage of one of my birthday presents today by letting my gorgeous sister buy me lunch at Dragon Place, here in Uppsala. I had a lovely time as usual with my lunch date, and the food wasn't that bad either. It's not Chinese food à la Asia (which is the best one of course), it's à la Sweden or "försvenskad" as we call it here, so that makes it about average good for me since I know how the real thing is supposed to taste. - One major difference is for example the enormous amount of salt they put in the food here...But I won't go into details now, I will only end up craving my favourite food in Malaysia. -.-

Anyway, it was good for being a "försvenskad" version, and meanwhile Vicki and I were able to create some plans (at least) for mami's upcoming birthday. Thank God for that!

Today's Dress-for-success: cardigan from In Wear, T-shirt hatched from mami, jeans from J. Linderberg

I can eat like a horse sometimes ;P

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bon voyage my friends!

This morning some of my friends left for a week as exchange students in France. I am a bit envy that they'll get to leave a cold and snowy (!) Sweden. But at the same time, they won't be going to Paris, so I'm not AS envious about them eating snails and crème brulée, drinking white wine (because red one I don't like), practising French, and spend the days with full-blooded Frenchies anymore...Meanwhile, I will be studying and drinking tea in Sweden.

Well, it doesn't really weigh up to the fact that they are going to France, but I just remembered a fact that will. See, if I would have gone to France, I would miss my lovely mother's birthday on Tuesday since we'd come back on Wednesday! And all the crème brulée in the world can´t make up for that...right? ^^ Hehe...Jeez, it just struck me that I haven't bought her anything yet...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What if...

Eight weeks and one day. If I would have doubled my time spent in Malaysia this summer I still would have been home by this time. Yesterday, to be more precise. If that would have been the case, I would most probably have gained a few kilos, spent all of my money on cute baby doll dresses, met a few cute guys, and seen my cousin’s newborn baby boy by now. That would have been the case if I would have stayed on the other side of the continent. Of course that wouldn’t have been possible, if I didn’t drop out of school (which I never would do) so to say, but I’m still allowed to think about all the what ifs, right?

It feels so philosophical and maybe even a bit sad to think about all the what if situations in life, but at the same time, it’s not so bad for you I believe. In my eyes, it makes me appreciate the presence of time more. Because we can always change. As one of my favourite quotes goes:

“If you can’t change your fate, change your attitude.“

Haha, maybe not my charmiest smile, but it's a happy one ;D

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace and Obama =)

Barack Obama was received the Nobel Peace Prize today (or now it´s yesterday, damn -.-) for his efforts to strengthen international relationships and simply make the world a better place to live in. However, many people seem to be a bit upset by the fact that he only has been the President of United States in a bit more than eight months, but still manages to take home this huge prize…I really wonder whether or not it’s jealousy they feel when they give their criticism in the style of “It’s a really interesting choice the Nobel committee has made…”, while others think “Wonders how he can get the Nobel Peace Prize when he hasn’t really accomplished anything yet”.

I still think that he has accomplished a lot though. He’s the first chocolate president (Afro-American president) in America, meaning that he had the potential, strength, and will-power to change the white-president trend. But don’t get me wrong by thinking that I only think he’s worth the Peace Prize just because he is the first chocolate president in America, because there are other reasons as well. I mean, with the economic and environmental disasters it must be pretty tough being the most powerful world leader…

In short, I really don’t mind him getting this prize at all. Even though he got it for “the hopes of a better future” rather than what he has accomplished so far, he is an inspiration. And even after all the various first reactions and shocks that people got from the big news ( the best one was the White House’s “WOW” that was followed by the fact that they are working on a more official reaction now, haha…), I will stick to mine.

I like Obama, so I really don’t think they made any mistakes WHATSOEVER.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wonderful day ;D

"And I think to myself...what a wonderful world..." Yes, indeed life was wonderful today. Stockholm was great from beginning to end, even the visit to the Museum of Modern Art was fun - and let me just tell you, I'm not good at reading art! Haha...

First we went to have lunch at Sala Thai...where they also had sushi even though the name...hehe...

A hungry and very much in love Lisa was working the chopsticks pretty well :)

Shill with the yummilicious rice and chicken fillet with cashew nuts as it said on the menu.

Hard working students at the Modern Museum of Art (except from when we took this picture, though).

After all the work at the museum, we got to do the "Doktor Glas walk", where we were extremely lucky to have Oscar to guide us through the confusing map we received.

Stockholm Centralstation. (By the way, pictures from now one are taken by the photographer Lewar, most of the time at least, and are thanks to to the loan of Martin's system camera - we all love good quality!)

Lewar is the working her advertising skills like no other :P

But then she had a sugar-rush in the bus which led into her working her singing, laughing and making silly faces skills instead...

Yeah, it was a pretty awesome day. Better get some sleep now, though. After walking around all day long, my legs are like spaghetti...So nighty nighty...

Ready for Stockholm

Hopefully I won't freeze to death in today's yucki weather, but this is what I am wearing to Stockholm. I will bring the camera, so prepare yourselves for some shots later tonight. I am definitely going to do the whole "tourist thingy" just for the fun of it! Besides, I don't live in Stockholm, so in a way, I am a tourist. Haha...

Today's Dress-for-success: white top from H&M, black jeans for J. Linderberg, pink trenchcoat from VILA, and my new leopard belt is from Gina Tricot.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Back for now ;)

Guess what? I’m back! Or at least for now, I assume. Thank God I’m not a professional blogger though, then I would be both broke and boring for leaving the “baby” to take care of itself…But since I’m not, good for me! Hehe

I really don’t feel like summarizing the time that has passed, mostly because it has been school, school, school…and some more school, so I’m going to bring up the present instead. The optimistic things that I look forward to, like the fact that we today had our first meeting for the new environment society that I’m joining for CAS. Probably it will take up quite some time to organize, plan, and carry out all of our ideas, but I think it will be fun. Life is about giving and taking, and this will definitely give me a good conscious for contributing to save the environment.

Okay, I better get some beauty sleep now. Tomorrow all of the IB2s are heading to the beautiful capital of Sweden, Stockholm. Nights!

I know that Cinnamon bun Day was last Sunday, but I just can't get enough of these vanilla buns!!! Save me, please! xD

Friday, October 2, 2009

A tired Sandra

To be honest I don’t know where to begin. This entire week has just been so hectic and awful. To start off with I can say that fall (or should I say winter?) has hit Sweden, and that I’ve catched a cold. To see things from the bright side, it’s not swine flu, but I really wouldn’t mind if it was. Then, I wouldn’t have to go out in the 2 ° C with double socks and double gloves…The funny thing is that I never get sick, and in particular, I never catch colds! My immune system is always at top with my “eat lots of fruit and veggies” diet, but somehow it wasn’t enough this time (even the huge amount of garlic mami uses in her cooking didn‘t save me!). So, I got beat down by too many hours of stress, and too few hours of sleep instead. Hais…I hope this kindergarten sickness won’t last long.

Anyhow, since I already started this post by complaining - I can continue SLIGHTLY at least, since it is really necessary considering these two cases that I am about to tell you now.

Case 1: The UN general secretary Ban Ki-Moon lectured about United Nations, United Action: Meeting Global Challenges at a Time of Crisis at Uppsala University this Thursday. Guess what - I couldn't go because of that stupid extra Excel lesson we had in school!!!
Case 2: I’m alone tonight. Why? Because Malaysia’s foreign minister is in Stockholm tonight, so they sent two dinner invitations to us, which means that Vicki and mami are having a lovely evening in Stockholm with Malaysia’s friggin foreign minister - and I am here! Abandoned!

To draw a conclusion, if it is possible in this case, I will just say that I am pretty upset right now. And, the “historical” thing to do (since I, regardless of all stress, still love my History classes) is to find someone/something to blame. In this case, it’s fully on the IB.

IB is keeping me busy -.-

What I missed out on ;(

Homemade pizza - the only thing good this week...