Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lunch, coffee, and the premier of Eclipse

After a long and fun day out, I am finally home. It feels nice, but at the same time I must admit that I already miss my girls a bit. :O Well, well, here is a bunch of pictures from today’s lunch with Shilan and Lewar, and then the premier of Eclipse.

Since we haven’t met each other for quite some time, we wanted to go somewhere where we could sit for a long time and just talk, so our lunch took place at Dragon Palace
(hmm, how come we always end up at that place? :P)

Had to check how I’d look if I am going to see the LA Lakers game at some point in life ^^

After walking around in some stores we grabbed some ice-coffee and ice-tea at Wayne’s Coffee…

My coffee frappe was mmmmmmm!

Later we met up with Bianca for some Eclipse

If I were to give my own quick review of the movie, I would say that it was good but that it didn’t give me the “wow, great movie!” feeling. The reason why, I don’t dare to point out once again, because that would make me seem even more nagging and obsessed with another vampire drama. No names mentioned, hehe.

Going out

Waking up this morning made me realize that I am not only having lunch with two of my dear friends today, but also that Eclipse premiers tonight - and that I have tickets for it.

How could I almost forget such a thing? Well the answer is quite obvious to me I suppose: too much of The Vampire Diaries (or more precisely, Stefan and Damon) than of the Twilight Saga (as in Edward and Jacob). :O

Anyways, I better get ready. Have to meet the girls in about an hour and I have some things I ought to do before that. Ciao!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My new bag

I know I shouldn‘t be shopping since I am totally broke and stuff, but earlier today I did, and I found this adorable thing.

Hum hum…Guess from where - if it isn’t already obvious from my previous posts. ^^

Monday, June 28, 2010


I have made up my mind. I am watching it. I need my eye candy ;)

The Vampire Diaries is my drug

I haven’t watched the Vampire Diaries since April (the good part about blogging is that the archive makes you remember things! :P), but just a couple of days ago I decided to finally catch up. At that time I was going to start watching episode 6 out of 22, and I thought: well it will sure take me quite a while to get through them all…

But what happens? I become obsessed and now I only have one more episode left! Which leads me to a choice of either saving it until tomorrow or to indulge in it right away…Hmm…

In bed

One of the best things about having summer break is that you can choose to stay in bed all day long if you want to. I have unfortunately not done that, since I dragged myself to the gym this morning and then decided to be a good girl by vacuum cleaning the entire barrack, but that didn't stop me from going back though…So now I am here again. :P

A bed can’t be more inviting than on a Monday afternoon. ^^

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday afternoon

Gosh, it is really steaming outside today.

It must be at least 30 °C in the sun but despite this I’ve just got back from some errands and a cooling McFlurry together with Vicki. Now I am cuddled up in bed while trying to finish the last bit of one of the three essays I have to write during this summer. Not very funny, but something that has to be done as soon as possible if I am to decide…Luckily, I will get a break soon since it is dinner time and One Tree Hill. Thank God, ;)

Vicki with her McFlurry

Saturday, June 26, 2010

When you tell the world you're mine

Everytime I listen to this song that the Swedish singers Agnes Carlsson and Björn Skifs sang at Victoria's and Daniel's wedding last Saturday, I am about to cry and I am serious! When I am getting married, I also want a song written especially for me and my man. ;)

Friday, June 25, 2010

My midsummer

This was my Swedish midsummer in pictures. Enjoy - I know I did :D Haha.

Before the picnic could start, we had to make some yummilicious sandwiches to bring with us

Vicki and I went down to stadsparken (Uppsala’s cental park, if you could call it that?) to have our picnic. Even though we thought the place would be rather empty, it turned out to be the opposite. :O So going to the countryside is obviously not the only way to celebrate!

But we managed to find a less crowded place :)

My beautiful sister and one of my best friends ♥

Dinner - the classic midsummer plate with early potatoes and herring


This time of year I am normally never home, so I must admit that I haven’t celebrated midsummer in Sweden since…2005? And by that time I was twelve, so it wasn’t like I made a big deal out of it. Acually, it’s not that I make that big a deal out of it now either (although it’s like the summer version of Christmas for the Swedes), but I am going to celebrate some at least.

Midsummer is all about spending time with the family and other people close to you and because of that, many of our friends aren’t spending midsummer here in Uppsala. So instead, Vicki and I are going out for a cozy midsummer picnic together. I think it’s going to be really nice actually because she is not only my sister, she is one of my best friends. :)

Haha, a picture of us last summer! ^.^

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Errands in the sunshine

Spent a lovely day outside as I was running lots of errands both for myself and others, but as the sun was shining the whole day, I didn’t mind at all. Now I am going to watch some missed episodes of One Tree Hill and the Vampire Diaries. I have to catch up now when I have summer break and all! Haha. ^^

So good night!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I waaaant :(

Five days have passed since I saw a pair of heels on sale at Din Sko for SEK 299, but I simply can’t get them out of my mind! Every day my mind is wrestling with questions like “is my size sold out by now?“ and “ ey Sandra, maybe you should go there and buy them?“ Now you might wonder, “then why don’t you buy them if you can’t stop thinking of them?” Well, my answer to that question is firstly that I have no money since I‘ve shopped to much already, and secondly, I am already in debt to mami and sis for shopping and dining out too much lately. :O

Buhu…I don’t like being poor. ;(

Looking at them makes me want to cry even more inside...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Evening walk

Since the weather was nice and sunny I decided to by myself go out for a small walk after dinner. And as I was walking, it struck me that Sweden can be pretty beautiful at some times. It’s not that I normally hate Sweden, but it’s just that I’ve always preferred places that are more crowded and where people are louder and more alive than they are here. However, tonight was different. I actually felt some kind of coziness walking there in the sunset…^^

I thought my sunset was beautiful tonight…until I saw this one

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A pattern

Amazing as it is, it has been raining every Sunday since the Sunday we moved in to the barrack (due to the renovation of our apartment) 4 weeks ago. :O So if this isn’t a sign of the angels crying on our behalf for having to live in this stupid barrack, I really don’t know how a pattern like this could have developed…However, there is only 2 more weeks and then I’m out of here. I can’t wait.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Finally she got her prince

I don’t know with you all, especially the ones not living in Sweden, reading this, but since 2.30 this afternoon I’ve been glued in front of our current 18" TV watching Sweden’s crown princess, Victoria, get her gym owner Daniel Westling. (Or now his title is prince Daniel to be correct, hehe.) Nevertheless, it’s still not over. There is still the final dance and the cake left in the wedding program…

I must admit though that I’ve never really liked that Daniel, although he hasn‘t really done anything to make me think of him like that. So why I don’t like him, I’m not sure of, but maybe a part of it comes out of the fact that he looks like he’s a part of the Italian mafia ^^…However, now when I’ve seen the wedding and all, I think I’ve actually changed my opinion slightly. He seems to really love her, and by seeing how happy she is (and I mean really happy) with him, they should be together and I am very happy for them.

She's getting married :O

Wow. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again, time really flies when you are having fun. It’s midnight now (again) and tomorrow (or today) the crown princess of Sweden, Victoria, is getting married. :O I’m not that engaged in the whole wedding thingy, but my mum is (!), so I’ll guess I’ll just tag along with her and her celebration tomorrow, haha.

Tonight’s little appetizer was vanilla ice-cream with warm blackberries and a glass of wild strawberry-kiwi cider.

Friday, June 18, 2010

My oh my...^^

Ooops, I did it again. I went to H&M and came home with…


Just had a lovely, but very sinful breakfast if we are discussing carbohydrates and fat. But since I promised mami to help her clean the barrack today, I am worth it already. Because cleaning with my mum is a TOUGH JOB. ^^

My ciabatta with brie cheese. Yum-mo.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

H&M makes me a shopoholic

I don’t like referring to myself as a shopoholic, but maybe that is what I am turning into every time I visit H&M. And I am serious, H&M is like a drug to me. They have everything I want, and everything I need when it comes to clothes and accessories, and on top of this, good prices and adorable staff. How can I not shop?

Today I bought this adorable black pencil skirt, which I know will always be timeless (therefore I bought it ok!)

And this übercute dress, that I see myself wearing in Paris or whatever (it even came with a golden belt matching my gold jewelry(!) - so had to buy it)

I know my current habits of almost always leaving H&M with something can't go on forever, but for's cool. - Meaning that I haven't calculated the amount of money I've spent yet...(but the question is: do I really want to? ^^)

In the jungle...

I just wanted to show you a picture of yesterday’s jungle trekking in the rainforest…

Naah, not really actually. It’s a picture from when Shilan and I was in the “rainforest greenhouse” in Botaniska trädgården (the Botanic Garden) here in Uppsala. But it almost looks like this is from a real jungle doesn’t it? ^^
(If you ignore the glass walls turning it into a greenhouse, hehe.)

Living stones, which a big sign was saying DO NOT TOUCH :O

Many tourists visit Botaniska trädgården when they come to Uppsala, but for me it was the first time actually. Therefore I think it was extra fun. :P

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Morning reading ^^

Good morning readers! ♥

I’ve decided that this morning I am going to do some lovely reading (with books of my own choice, not schools‘), but there is only one little problem…

Hmm, what should I begin with?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Another rainy day

Uurgh. It’s really difficult believing that it’s summer break when all I see looking out the window is rain. My plans of going to the gym are totally vanished at the moment, unless the sun chooses to pay a visit sooner or later. However, my expectations aren’t that high to be honest…

I guess I just have to stay in looking for flight tickets this afternoon. ^^ But where I am going, I am not telling you yet. Hihi.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bed + Ugly Betty

After a long day out, there is nothing better than to cuddle oneself into bed and watch some episodes of your favorite show. So that is exactly what I am going to do right now.

Just a warm bed and Ugly Betty is exactly what I need right now. Goodnight folks!


My gosh. I am starting to freak out about the storm that is taking place outside the window. It sounds like a freaking tornado is on its way, and to worsen things, I am going to Ben’s (or Benno as we usually call him) second birthday party in about an hour.

If I have time, I will blog when I get home. But for now: ciao!

So cool, yet so dangerous :O