Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saturday’s Eye-Candy: Mitch Hewer

When I first read that this British born actor is twenty-one years old I was like “no way! He looks totally more mature”, but then I started thinking about Taylor Lautner and…well never mind…

Anyway here is some brief info about the hottie: Mitch played the gay guy Maxxie in the series Skins (started in 2007) which only aired two seasons in the UK. However, it was clearly enough for all gay guys to fall madly in love with him since they assumed that he’s gay. But guess what? He is not! :D But he has a girlfriend - of course. ^^

Besides acting, he has appeared on the cover of Attitude twice (!) and according to me, he really should become a full time model because the guy is H-O-T. Maybe I should consider studying in the UK after all. :P

Eye-Candy of the week ;)

Let’s face it. There are tons of cute, hot, and criminally sexy celebrity guys (or some that have not become celebrities YET) out there and because of that, I have decided to make a special post every Saturday for just for these guys. Unfortunately, I will only use pictures and information that is publicly available (since I refuse to get sued :/), and it will of course be based on my own taste (since this is my blog, haha).

So from now on, I will feature some Eye-Candy every Saturday. Stay tuned. ;)

Friday, July 30, 2010

18 days, 18 days, 18 days…

Should I start counting the days until the day I freak out? Well I don’t think that will be necessary…since I am already freaking out! It’s only 18 days left of summer break and if that isn’t making a person depressed, I don’t know what planet that person is from. :o

It’s not that I don’t like school. It’s more about the stress, pressure, and the “I-don’t-have-a-life-besides-doing-homework” part that makes me panic. For seven weeks I have been free from all of that - and it’s not exactly a pleasure to give it up for what I just mentioned…

Ok. I am going to make a deal with myself. For the remaining 18 days that I have left, I am going to enjoy to the fullest.

Starting with a smoothie ;)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

An apple a day...

I was just sitting and thinking about the saying that: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away“, and it hit me how that line can be changed in an infinite number of ways. I mean, what prevents me from telling someone that “a bowl of chocolate ice-cream a day keeps the doctor away” or “some cholesterol a day keeps the doctor away“. Ok, maybe no one would believe that, but seriously. If a person is deadly afraid of going to the doctor they might believe it!

Besides, if I hadn’t heard of the original apple thing first and someone told me the chocolate ice-cream one, I might have believed it out of my own will. But when I think about it, I am quite easy to fool when it comes to these things…Haha. ^^

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Like my sister

When sis and I were sitting in McDonald’s eating our McFlurries it struck me how incredible long her hair has become. I want that long hair too! Like my sister. ♥

I got some centimeters left to go though…

Banned from shopping ;(

Soon I am heading down to town for a small shopping round with my sister. But although I call it a “shopping round”, I have promised myself not to buy anything (except if I use a gift voucher). Actually I have banned myself entirely from shopping until I have paid off the majority of my enormous shopping debt to mami and Vicki. I don’t know how I am going to survive, but a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do. ^^

A kiss from me to my readers xD

Monday, July 26, 2010

A hilarious Twilight spoof xD

I just looked at the new trailer for Vampires Suck, which main goal is to make fun of the Twilight saga. And gosh, it’s so hilarious. :D

When leaving the premier of Eclipse a couple of weeks ago, me and my friends had plans of making a similar spoof just for fun, but with parts from other vampire movies and series too. Guess we weren’t quick enough. ^^

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The new it-thing: vampire bite marks

I don’t know if I should laugh or cry since I love all the vampire mania that is going on right now, and I am pretty sure you do too. Nowadays we can barely live without our Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and True Blood cravings, however, the line is about to get crossed for me soon…If it hasn’t already. Read CNN’s report about the new trend of bite marks among teens here.

I wonder if I would be ok with it though if it was to be a really hot (and real) vampire that wanted to put its fangs into my neck? Hmm…I think that we can draw the conclusion that the fact that I am even considering that makes the issue very serious. Creepy. :s

Totally fine by me...or not?

Finally some rain

After almost 4 weeks of eternal sunshine the rain has hit Uppsala. - About time according to me. Because no matter how much I love when it’s warm and sunny outside, there has to be some kind of balance. Especially when the ACs in this country isn’t equipped for a temperature around 30 °C every day and therefore sucks. :/

A picture of me when it was still sunny outside

Last night

After my sweet sister had taken mum and me out for dinner at the new restaurant Wok & Sushi, we went home continuing the family night with popcorn and wine. In my family we can really talk about everything, and I love that, but it sure has some “consequences” as well. Like the fact that we spent a total of three hours around the kitchen table talking in the middle of the night (!) Hehe ^^

My dish: prawns with cashews and rice (the menu said it was supposed to be very hot, but don’t believe that crap. It was more mild than sweet chili sauce! :o)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Planning for the future

Most of the afternoon I have spent on google trying to plan for my future. It started off as pretty fun, but let me just tell you: looking for universities in Shanghai should really be known as a part time job. The jungle of schools is a absolutely crazy and I am so lucky that my computer hasn’t crashed yet. :o

So far I have found a couple of schools that will possibly suit me, but as I said, there are soooo many and you will get absolutely insane if you are trying to go through every single one of them. Anyways, I better get ready. Vicki is buying me and mum dinner at one of the new restaurants in Gränby Centrum (a mall close to where I live). ;)

But, feel free to drop a comment if you guys have any suggestions of good universities in Shanghai that offers economics studies :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Belgian chocolate cake

After a long and exhausting week (yeah, right) everyone needs a treat, and in my case that was a piece of Belgian chocolate cake. Yum-yum is all I had to say.

Give me chocolate in any form, and I am content ;)

I want some of that hottie Ian Somerhalder

If I wouldn’t have started watching The Vampire Diaries, I never would have known who Ian Somerhalder (playing the vampire Damon Salvatore) was. I would completely have missed out on all of those drooling moments when he makes that slant smile of his, or when we just get a close-up where we are allowed to drown into his deep blue eyes…I know that it’s most likely the charming, dangerous, but still soft character that makes me writing this post, but let’s face it. He is a true hottie in reality too. ;)

Before I thought guys with dark hair and light eyes looked too dangerous. Like they would be a part of the Russian mafia - and something you therefore should stay away from. But now, I think it’s just so damn sexy! Ian Somerhalder opened up a completely new door for me, haha! :P

A former model, a true romantic, and a passion to save animals. Do I need to say more than “aaaaaahhhh…he’s perfect”? - No, didn’t think so either. ^^

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Instant noodles - a savior from above

After a busy day for all of us in my little family, we had no energy nor any motivation to cook a real dinner…So this is what we did to solve the problem. Instant noodles - the perfect dinner solution. ♥

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sookie’s dresses

Lately I’ve been watching a lot of vampire related series and movies, and at the moment I am watching True Blood. It’s not as good as The Vampire Diaries - but when I think about it, not even Twilight beats The Vampire Diaries - however, one thing that really makes me pay attention is the heroine Sookie. She is not very pretty in my opinion (she can be sometimes though ^^), but she has the cutest wardrobe full of adorable dresses!

Here are some of my favorite picks so far (from season 1 and 2).

These are not dresses, but still very cute :P


I know that my mami is good, or more precisely great at cooking, but today’s dinner was above delicious. I wish that I will learn how to cook like her one day. ♥


Since I had some “unfinished business” in town that I didn’t have time for yesterday, I went there again straight after breakfast. First time for me shopping all by myself. ^^ Anyways, my main target was to get rid of my 300 SEK gift voucher at SOLO, so there was absolutely no shopping-by-impulse which is usually involved when it comes to me.

All I could think of was that I wanted this gift voucher gone as soon as possible since SOLO really isn’t my kind of store. First of all, the clothes there are mostly hideous, and secondly, they are ridiculously expensive for not even being “branded branded stuff” (like known international designers). I mean, an ugly tank top with some weird cutting for 1100 SEK? No way, I’m going to pay that! Insane. However, since they now have up to 70% off, I managed to find some things that I could live with in my wardrobe.

A dress from Saints & Mortals 200 SEK (used to be 400 SEK) and a plain top from Made in the Shade 100 SEK (used to be 150 SEK)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Town with mami

Actually I wasn’t planning to do anything special today. I was going to spend the day reading Snabba Cash, remember? But then mami came up to me all excited about the weather, and asked me if I wanted to join her to town. And since I know they have summer sales, especially “H&M’s barely touched one” (my sister gave me this inside information :P), I couldn’t resist it.

Seriously now, I tried not to find anything, but it is hard for a girl like me. ♥

Floral tights and a black top from Lindex

Wonderful heels from Bianco - and they are comfortable too! ^^

Summer reading

I love to read, but the sad thing is that I have no time to read books of my own choice when I have school. In school it’s always the classics like Nineteen Eighty-Four, Frankenstein, and Crime and Punishment that we are supposed to over-analyze and then write long essays about. Therefore, I always go to the library in the beginning of the summer and bulk myself up with some summer reading. Right now I am on my fourth book, which is Jens Lapidus' Snabba Cash, and although I haven’t got that far it’s really as exciting as the reviewers said it would be.

Simply one of those books you can’t put down. So if you excuse me now, I have to take the rest of the day reading. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Allergic to the sun?

I’ve always seen myself as very sun resistant. I get tanned very easily and manage to stay very long hours in the sun with little sunscreen - or sometimes none, but I’m not so sure about that anymore. :s

Lately, I’ve been tanning some afternoons, and I haven’t noticed any particular consequences of it, besides me getting brown, until yesterday. I saw that I had started developing small red spots on the backside of my legs, so what now? I know that I haven’t been under the sun as much as I have this summer for a really long time (in Malaysia, you simply don’t go out in the sun voluntarily, haha ^^), but have I seriously become allergic to the sun? :O

Is this over for me now?

Break of Dawn

I have a new favorite song, including a drop dead gorgeous man ;)

Eric Saade is the guy you ought to listen to below.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

My hairstyles

For me, hairstyles have always been important and even though I’ve had some pretty awful ones over the years (when I look at some of them I just want to shake myself and scream “OMG, what were you thinking?!”), the hair is one of the first things I look at when I meet a person. Shallow? Yes, maybe a bit. But I can’t help it, my eyes are drawn there automatically. ^^

Anyway, here are some of the hairstyles that I’ve had over the last five years. Laugh, hoist, diss, or whatever, these hairstyles have been a part of my life and therefore they are all special to me. Even though I wouldn’t take some back, haha.