Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mother´s day

Mother´s day came as fast as it disappeared but we had a great time, or I had a great time, but mummy had a great time too because I asked her...and she said she had a great time ^^ haha...
Even though mummy had to cook she was happy and even though she went out herself to buy cake, she was happy and that made me happy xD. I love my mummy and this day should be special because it is Mother´s day, maybe we didn´t take her out for dinner but we paid the cake...LOL...and we bought her lottery tickets , actually 7 and she won !...SEK 50 and we paid SEK 100 so at least we or she got half the money back xD, hahahaha...

No, but today was great...can´t believe that in only 3 weeks exactly from now mummy, sis and I will be on MAS to Malaysia x)

Oooh mummy made dinner delicious, hehe - like that´s unusual...=)

...and the day or the part that is left is just getting better :P, soon some champagne and girl talk and me love the combination x)

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