Monday, July 7, 2008

wedding, wedding...

Finally sis helped me fix the bluetooth on PS laptop so now I can show pictures again.
Wiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeee for that !!!! =D haha...

Yesterday I was at a wedding dinner, so pretty everything and classy; they did it all in western style (almost I mean). They had a cermony before the dinner arrived and then they had all this pictures they ut on a big screen, showing them from babies to the trips they made together and then of course the wedding pictures. They even had a professional photographer there the whole day, he was sneaking around like a paparazzi, quite freeky sometimes, hahaha...:P

Going home to Gong Gong's house later, mummy say he must really miss to cook for us =) and YEAH - Gong Gong cook ! Good too, haha...but I can't say better than mummy because then I will starve when I go back to Sweden 0.0...haha.

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