Thursday, March 19, 2009

Dream déjà vu

The dream hunted me again the other night. It was not exactly the same dream but I know that I deamt it for the same reason as the first one.

Mr. Cute and I are talking, while standing under a door-frame. All the sudden, we stop and just have this intense moment of exchanging looks before leaning forward for a quick and unharmful kiss. Then we look at each other and I remember feeling nothing. I shake my head and he says "no". I say that it was a mistake and after that we slowly disappear in a slowmotion scene.

All I keep telling myself is that this is the second sign to stop imaginating! It was doomed from the beginning and teh first dream indicated that pretty clearly, but obviously I'm not good at listening to things I don't want to hear. So now, I receive this second sign telling me that I have to get real. We don't suit each other at all. Looks is not what makes things work. So, I will get real...but it's just so damn hard when he's so freaking gorgeous! :P


Anonymous said...

honey we all have some of these dreams sometime in life;)
it just means that your subthingy (undermedvetande) belives that you have done something wrong to you or someone else. but don worry(K)

Anonymous said...

wait, WHO is this 'mr. cute'?!! I want to knooooow....!! xD