Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Déjà vu soon? -.-

Earlier I've written that this trip might cause several mini-fights between the members of my family since we're spending everyday in each others company. Meaning that we don't really give each other some space to breath in. In other words, there are moments when we just (mildly said) will piss one another off and this is one of those occasions.

The thing is that my uncle, who we're staying with at the moment, has been coughing a lot and also he's been feeling pretty awful for a couple of days now. So yesterday he went to see the doctor that prescribed him some medicine etc. However, they never took a blood sample and last night he became worse. That's the thing that scares me - but obviously not my mother. I really don't feel like being home quarantined AGAIN, and I see nothing wrong in my way of thinking! Besides, we're living under the same roof, so who wouldn't be scared under such circumstances!?

Mum keeps on telling me that we've got strong immune systems, that his coughing is probably caused by other things and that there are no worries, but the truth is that there are worries. My worries that she won't listen to and that really pisses me off! -.-

Saturday, June 27, 2009

OMG, this book is good!

I love it when a book carries you away to a different time, a different life but in the end only affect you and your own life. Unfortunately books like that don't come along very often, but when they do, they leave you so touched that you don't even want all books to be as good as the one you just finished, because that would only spoil the pleasure of reading such books. A book I just finished reading, A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini, is one of those unusual amazing books that not only brought me to tears (several times!) and made my whole body shill with compassion, but it also made my heart ache by the cruelty and unfairness there is in the world.

I decided to read it in Swedish even though the English version usually tends to be better. However, I was stunned by how well the story was told. The story of the two superwomen Laila and Mariam. This is a must read book and I really mean it! I finished it (432 pages) in two days, so that must be something, right!?

Friday, June 26, 2009

He's DEAD!!!

I still can't believe what I saw this morning while eating nasi lemak and watching that Korean series, the text of the top of the screen that was saying that the King of Pop Michael Jackson is dead!!! Seriously, how can he be dead?! A man like that can't just die! This is worse than Heath Ledger's overdose...Maybe he is not the hottest celebrity but for goodness sakes, it's Michael Jackson we're speaking of...

Gosh, I can't even imagine the size of the funeral...Let him rest in peace!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Set free

I always find the first week here very sloooow but being quarantined made it go even sloooower. However, yesterday at 6.00 pm. I was finally set free from the four days of home quarantine that the doctors told us to be in. I must own up to the fact that I might not have been the best obedient "quarantine person" but honestly, did they want me to die by not letting me leave the house a single time or two!? Besides, I was never even sick to begin with, so no worries! Hehe...however, everyone I tell get very freaked out since it's not the 1st of April no more. -.-

Anyhow, now when I am finally free, I hope I'll get some more fresh air and by that I mean the fresh air you get from spending some hours shopping. The malls have been waiting too long for me already ,and I can almost hear the shoes shouting my name. Nevertheless, I must say that I'm not up for trying on a pair of jeans at this writing moment...I haven't come to the point when I blame myself for eating midnight snacks. Right now, it's ONLY uncle Alvin's fault that he always insists upon treating us food...very late...

Friday, June 19, 2009

Not a very pleasant flight -.-

Back sooner than expected I must say, and with me I have a lot of luggage to unpack if you can call it that. Not even a week has past since my arrival and I've already been shocked by the heat (32°C at my arrival on Monday morning), hunted by a grasshopper and then been put in quarantine! Yes, it's true.

As late as on Friday morning (yesterday), some doctors arrived to grandpa's house with masks and inquiry forms about the symptoms for H1N1. Obviously, a person coming from NY (MAS that we fly with comes from there, before continuing through SWE to Malaysia) was infected and now isolated at a hospital here in Malaysia.

My first though after overhearing the "early morning" call my mother reluctantly took, I instantly knew what it was about and the first thing I said when she came back to the room was. I DON'T WANT TO DIE!

Even though the risk for being tested positive is minimal at this point (since so many days have passed and none of us have shown any symptoms) the over sensitive part of me is taking over. All I keep thinking is I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE! But even though we haven't got any symptoms, we have to take our temperature twice a day until Monday and then a nurse will call and check it. Goodness, I can't believe that this is happening to me nor my family, but I guess that's what everyone else on that flight, and other infected flights are thinking too. However, the most hilarious thing is that if we really would be H1N1 positive, God knows how many infected there must have been on the Pasar Malam (market) we went to on Wednesday! Hahaha...OK, better not joke about these kind of stuff.

However, I just have to say how funny it is that I'm actually in quarantine when my mum has never even grounded me before!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Malaysia tomorrow ;D

Here we are again or whatever you can call it. Tomorrow I'm leaving for my second home country, where I am going to spend my next 9 weeks in. Ooh, I really can't wait to get on that plane and get away from cold and rainy Sweden. One thing that I don't understand though is why everyone is saying that global warming will cause a warmer climate all around the world when it's seems to be the biggest lie ever, because from Sweden's point of view, it's just getting colder! I mean we're in June now and it has been 12°C and rain for the last couple of days (and by days I'm being quite modest -.-). Anyway, it's going to be nice to get away from Uppsala for a while. I'll miss my friends and strawberries though, but I'll survive! However, I don't know when I will be able to get internet access so maybe there will be a short update break but I will promise that this little blog won't die completely during the summer. I mean, how fair is that when it just got the hottest makeover yesterday!!! :P

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'm free!

Finally my summer break has began and then I was thinking "Why not continue my blog makeover, that I never really finished!" So, here it it is! New picture, new layout. Shortly, my little blog has gained a totally new look...and I like it xD. Since I am so satisfied with how it turned out, I'm now going to spend the rest of the evening laughing at silly people in High School Musical 3...Ciao!

Today's Dress-for-success: white-silver dress from Zoe Ltd, shoes from Nose.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hate goodbyes

The first thing I said to my mum after the last day of school was:

- Mum, can you go and buy me a bottle of Martini so that I can drink away my sorrows...

Of course she asked me what was wrong and I told her the devastating news I got to find out during our last Swedish lesson before summer break. Joakim (my Swedish teacher), which is one of my favourite teachers is leaving us for some new stupid school in his hometown, Stockholm. I've heard rumours about this before and he has told us that he might quit, but it all just came as a shock to me because I never really wanted to believe what I've been told earlier. So, after I had given him a hug and left the classroom, I released a small river from my sad soul before pulling myself together. (After all, I was wearing eyeliner and mascara which I usually don't so I couldn't just mess it up like that!)

Ayaah, it's the last day before summer break and I am so...sad. I don't understand. I really don't understand why good people always have to leave...

Monday, June 8, 2009

Loaded for summer ;)

Now I can definitely say that I am bucked up for summer...

and did I mention how much I love ice-cream? xD

Sunday, June 7, 2009

We're done

We are done. This has never happened before. Packing is something you do in the middle of the night, some hours before leaving for the airport. At least that's how we do it in my family, but obviously not this year. On the other hand, it feels kind of good to be ready and set to go even though I don't have to be ready and set to go until next Sunday. Well, well I suppose sometime is always the first time to do something very unexpected. (If mum hasn't fooled Vicki and me, and that we're actually leaving tomorrow. Haha, that would really be something!)

Speaking of something else embarrassingly unexpected is the football match between Sweden-Denmark yesterday. I don't know what's the worst actually. That we lost against the Danish for the first time in history, or that we lost on our National day!? Oh God, I don't even want to talk about it...-.-

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Part 3 - one day of sunshine

Tuesday was the only day where the sun showed some compassion and shone throughout the whole day. But of course something else has to happen, so the camera decided to run out of battery. Luckily, I had time to make some of the day memorable enough for others to see. Enjoy!

My godfather fooled us by saying that he lived in a big house. What he didn't mention was that it's like an apartment house, so he lives on the top floor.

On a morning walk Josse and I investigated the neighborhood...

This day was all about being tourists so we visited the castle...

Which was very very big.

It was actually quite scary to climb up there, but nothing is impossible for Sandra! :P

Ahh, who doesn't love ICE-CREAM breaks?

Josse, godfather and me.

Before the camera died we went for coffee and cake. My drink was suppose to be like a more "classy" version of Neslo (Nescafé and Milo), however it didn't taste anything like it. Please, take me to Berkely Corner in Malaysia!

Okay, so this was the end then. I had a good time and also, I got to spend a lot of time with my lil'sis that I haven't really been able to catch up with since last summer. In addition, I got to try a lot of yummi food and that's not so bad right? (As long as I stay away from the scale...haha).

Friday, June 5, 2009

Part 2 - visit to Vienna

Today, I've been quite busy with Vicki's graduation so I never had the time to continue writing (or showing) how my trip was. Neverheless, here I am and with me I have some juicy pictures from our weekend spent in Vienna...

Besides the beauty of the town, I just had to snap this one to make my mum aware of me not forgetting her, haha.

Josefine straightened my hair with her proffesional skills, and I loved it. However, some drops of rain made it memorable -.-

My godfather took us for royal treatment at the Original Sacher Torte where we had cakes and hot chocolate for EUR 36, but it was sooo worth it!!!

On the way to the sushi place, that by the way was owned by some people from Malaysia, we found this gorgeous backyard.

We made Josse's dream come true by eating at KFC.

This was how happy I was after we've been to a thermal bath and realized how many cute guys Vienna has =).

Also, we met a girl and her mother from Malaysia during our night walk. They were trying to find their hotel in the ice-cold darkness, but unfortunately we couldn't help them...I really hope they found it later on because the girl seemed really nice. So, after being to Vienna I could conclude that the town has a lot of Malaysians. Or maybe the world is just a small place...with a lot of cute guys :P.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Part 1 - arrival to Budapest

After a 40 min delayed flight we landed safely at Stockholm Arlanda yesterday at 4.00 pm. I keep complaining about my jet-lag, but the truth is that there is no such a thing when the time difference remains as in Sweden. So, I think it must be the damn yucki weather that just won't seem to see me suffer enough! My whole trip has been RAIN RAIN RAIN and even thoughwe escaped to Vienna over the weekend, it was also RAIN RAIN RAIN there! Now when I'm back in Sweden, guess what? Rain. Thank God, I'm going to Malaysia in 10 days.
The flight was terrifying because I'm not used to small planes and their unstableness.

But I survived and that's what's most important.

The famous river Donau with the famous green bridge that no cars were allowed to drive on. However, that happened to change just before we left, haha...

Our first Hungarian feast, and goodness how big the portions were! Thank God, we shared.

A piece of the schnitzel the size of a pizza.

We discovered town...

The weather was like this for 10 min, but don't think it was hot! Only 17 °C -.-

Some things you just can't resist...

The day ended with that we went to eat delicious Peking duck.