Thursday, June 4, 2009

Part 1 - arrival to Budapest

After a 40 min delayed flight we landed safely at Stockholm Arlanda yesterday at 4.00 pm. I keep complaining about my jet-lag, but the truth is that there is no such a thing when the time difference remains as in Sweden. So, I think it must be the damn yucki weather that just won't seem to see me suffer enough! My whole trip has been RAIN RAIN RAIN and even thoughwe escaped to Vienna over the weekend, it was also RAIN RAIN RAIN there! Now when I'm back in Sweden, guess what? Rain. Thank God, I'm going to Malaysia in 10 days.
The flight was terrifying because I'm not used to small planes and their unstableness.

But I survived and that's what's most important.

The famous river Donau with the famous green bridge that no cars were allowed to drive on. However, that happened to change just before we left, haha...

Our first Hungarian feast, and goodness how big the portions were! Thank God, we shared.

A piece of the schnitzel the size of a pizza.

We discovered town...

The weather was like this for 10 min, but don't think it was hot! Only 17 °C -.-

Some things you just can't resist...

The day ended with that we went to eat delicious Peking duck.

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