Friday, September 11, 2009

Today it's 9/11

When I woke up this morning it really didn’t occur to me of what day it is. The one and only thing that actually occurred to me was basically: Thank God it’s Friday! Haha...It wasn’t until early noon that I became aware of the fact that it’s 9/11. Exactly eight years ago, World Trade Center that “you must see before you die” was gone. Gone forever, just like that.

I have heard that they are building a new tower where the old ones were located. It will be called One World Trade Center and according to Metro news, it will be higher than the old ones. But that shouldn’t be a surprise, since it’s USA we’re speaking of. The bigger, the better! Nevertheless, it will never be the same; that means that I have forever lost the opportunity to see one of those “you must see before you die” buildings...It’s kind of sad when I think about it, but at the same time - there’s so much more out there. So much more that I personally want to see and experience. And right now my no.1 future goal is not to see Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia, (because that I have already done many times) however, it is to actually go up there. And by now, I know pretty clearly from déjà vu incidents that Mondays are not the days to do that on...

Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Gorgeous right? ;)


Shilan said...

They are really beautiful, I wanna go there too! ;D

Anonymous said...

lets go together honeybun - lol