Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bye bye sudoku

Sadly enough I might have found the explanation to my exhaustion. Sudoku.

This morning I read a small article about what impact sudoku and crosswords have on you, and obviously I have to stop doing six in a row. - Unless I want to end up fat and with a brain-burn out. I've heard that a sudoku or a crossword a day only does one good, since it makes your brain cells work. And that is not a lie, if you do ONE a day, so to say. However, the article says that it is so challenging to our brains that it makes us super-tired, even though we haven't moved an inch...And that is exactly what I have been feeling lately.

So, from this day on I am limiting myself of doing two sudoku and one crossword a day - at maximum. Because I don't want to become fat, and I really need to keep my brain shape if I am going to be able to continue the IB.

The article, but in Swedish though.

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