Saturday, June 4, 2011

30 min left

Since I still have to wake up in 30 min, I don't really see the point in going to sleep, so instead I can tell you about today (or yesterday) when I went to my first Kurdish dinner event ever.

My baby Shilan was having her graduation reception and wanted us girls to come and celebrate it with her. It was awesome. Because not only did I get to see my girls one last time, I got to learn how to dance the Kurdish dance (although I sucked at it, haha) and eat some real shish kebab - which was sooooo good, hehe ^^

Since I don't have time to upload any photos of the night now, they'll have to come up another day. What I have time to say though is that I'm going to miss all of my babies so much. One month without them is kind of sad :'(

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