Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Alive n' kickin'

Everytime I haven't blogged in a while and start again it feels so weird. You never know if your supposed to appologize to your readers or just go on like the small break never happened...Anyways, I can tell you that we arrived safely at KLIA (Malaysia's airport) on Sunday morning and that I think I've already gained 2 kg from all the different foods I've already eaten. Since we're just staying 4 weeks this time, compared to the usual 8 weeks, we have to do everything in express - which means that the weight-gain also is in express...-.-'

Sharing an internet stick with my online-game addicted cousin isn't the easiest thing when trying to keep a blog going. So, I'll blog as soon as I have time again. Ciao for now! :)

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