Saturday, February 27, 2010

Good memories...

I can't get over the good memories I have left from Friday's visit to the gym where I saw an Austin Nichols look-a-like (aka Julian in One Tree Hill). I mean, is it even legal to be that hot?

Gaaah...drooling! O_O

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dragon Palace with the girls

There are days when you never want t get up. When it is so much nicer to just lie under that warm duvet, humming and continuing to dream sweet dreams...But then you realize that you have to get up, and then it's not as nice anymore. It gets even worse when you check the termometer which shows -11.5 °C...But "never mind" you tell yourself, because it just occurs to you that you're having lunch with your lovely friends that day...Thank God for those friends. ♥

We went to Dragon Palace this time...

A bit blur, but I like this picture of me and Shilan :)

Beautiful Lewar and Tarane

All in all, we spent 3 hrs and 10 min there (crazingly enough, yes), which totally made us break the record! ^^ But what can I say more than that a lot, eat a lot and laugh a lot? Hehe ^_^

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sexy black heels

Sexy black heels, need I say more? Seriously, I've been searching and searching for decades for the perfect pair of shiny black when my lovely mami came home with this little present yesterday...Aaaw, she's the best. ♥

SEK 499 from Depache...

Actually they are a bit too big, but who cares - I love them! :P

Monday morning

Then it was Monday morning again, however, I'm not too bummed since I have one week of break ahead of me. A well nedded one, indeed.

Now I'm going to get some breakfast before I get down to today's TO-DO LIST:

1. Reschedule mydentis appointment.
(The poor dentist apparently broke her arm. :O) [x]
2. Vacuum clean the whole apartment. (To prove to mami and sis that I CAN do housework...-.-) [x]
3. Schedule lunch with Shilan and Lewar. (I heard the girl were up for some Chinese. :P) [x]
4. Show you my drop-dead-gorgeous present mami came home with yesterday. ♥ [x]

Friday, February 19, 2010

Milk and cookies

I remember when I was little and used to drink milk to almost everything. Nowadays that doesn’t happen very often, but there are of course some exceptions…

Milk and cookies - an invincible combo.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Semlor from heaven

There is no better way to celebrate Semledagen/ Fettisdagen than with a big fat chocolate semla…Just the way it’s supposed to be. ♥

In Sweden Semledagen/ Fettisdagen (fatty day) is celebrated on one Tuesday in February every year (but of course they sell semlor way ahead in January already -.-). And on this day you are suppose to indulge in semlor (= bun with a layer of almond icing and whipped cream in between). However, if you want something else than the “traditional semla”, Forsa Hembageri makes the best chocolate and blueberry semlor in the whole Uppsala. - Just so you know. ^^

One semla costs SEK 26, but it’s sooo worth every Swedish krona. :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Double celebration :D

Happy Valentine’s Day…or Happy Chinese New Year?

It’s hard to know what to start with. The only thing I can be really sure of though is that these two celebrations both stand for happiness and love among your closest. So we should all be nice to one another today (OK, we always should), and also we should be happy (and eat a lot of good stuff, haha).

I am of course celebrating this “double celebration” with my small, but lovely family, and my cute mami is taking us out for dinner tonight. “On days like this, who wants to cook?”, she says. Haha, I agree.

Anyhow, before I go, I wish all the readers of this little blog Happy Valentine’s Day and also, Happy Chinese New Year!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Near death experience

OK maybe it wasn’t a real “near death experience”, but at that moment all I could think of was “I’m going to die. Oh God, I’m going to die soon!” So what caused this traumatic experience? Spinning.

I’ve always wanted to try spinning, and since they have spinning classes at Friskis & Svettis (the gym I go to), I thought I should try it out. So, after asking my “experienced” friends what level, me as a beginner, should take (start, basic, medium, or intense), they all said I “would be able t do medium”. Hmmpff! Luckily, I survived medium! I could barely walk nor breathe when I left the class. All I could feel was the taste of blood in my mouth. Which I suppose isn’t very good.

1) Do not take friends’ advice when it comes to working out.
2) Don’t ever take the medium level if it’s your first spinning class.
3) I am staying away from spinning for a while.

Me, before knowing what I was getting myself in to.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sometimes you just get inspired, and this morning I got inspired by the adoreable hat I tried on yesterday (remember the white one with the black ribbon on it?) and one of my favourite bloggers - Foki.

Maybe my ribbon isn't as big as the ones she uses (and I just saw that it's quite hard to see mine on the picture as well ^^), but still. Hehe. :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Only looking, not buying

Today I had the privilege of ending at noon, so I met up with my dear jie jie (which means big sister in Chinese) for some shopping together in town. Or at least that was she was planning on doing. I’m (sadly enough) quite broke at the moment, so I just looked (YES, I AM CAPABLE OF JUST LOOKING) even though it hurt at some moments…

Like when I tried this adorable little thing.

But as always, you can’t have everything. OK then, now I’m off to bed. I need some beauty sleep and a well rested mind (if that’s ever possible these days) for my economics test tomorrow. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm sponsored


This morning I received a text message from my godfather confirming that he will sponsor me when purchasing my very own netbook, which I am very much in need of. I just have to say that
I am so glad and thankful for having such a generous godfather that is willing to spoil me from time to time. ♥

After all, he only has one godchild I told him. Haha! (The picture is from the Budapest trip
last year, which he also sponsored me with!)

So now I am on my search for a cute little laptop. I think I know which one I want, but I will look around a bit more before deciding. However, I can say that I now know the reason for why I always have to be cute and nice (as my sis put it) - because that will get me sponsored! :D

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Been studying the whole day. I am so tired. End of story.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Muffins own apple-pie

We often come across funny (and also weird) expressions in life, and sometimes we have no idea why or for what purpose these expressions really…aim for. But in a way, that is what makes them so funny (and weird) I suppose.

So today, as I was just having a normal day in school, one of these expressions written on a wall caught my attention. It said “muffins own apple-pie”. Okaaay, I was thinking. I just couldn’t wrap my mind around understanding (and still can’t) what that person writing that would gain from doing so.

- Other than adding to the destruction of the school walls, I mean.