Sunday, November 28, 2010

The day after

After a long round in the city with my dear friend Sabina last night, I have literally slept away the entire day except for the two hours when I ate breakfast, showered, and went to Gränby Centrum (Uppsala’s biggest mall) for a quick shopping with mami and Vicki.

The initial plan was that we all were supposed to go to this Första Advent’s party at a close family friend’s place, but as I feel really crappy and sleepy, I told mami and Vicki that they’d just have to do without me. So now I’m all alone. Maybe I’ll just sleep some more…

Friday, November 26, 2010

Lucky girl

Right now I am so envious, but still so happy for my sister who this morning found one of the 100 boxes that the newly opened NetOnNet has hidden all over Uppsala. Tomorrow she will go and pick up her new lap top. Talk about being lucky…

Up early…

The fact that I am up already is just insane, but I seriously cannot sleep. :/

Usually this feeling is what tends to keep me up to 2 a.m. in the morning almost every night, but somehow it got reversed today, leaving me morning alert. So weird. Well, well, I guess I will just crash into bed at 9 p.m. tonight due to exhaustion. Hehe. ^^

Thursday, November 25, 2010



There are no words to describe the happiness I am feeling right now. Test week is over for this year and tomorrow I am off from school, which means extended weekend. Hihi :D

Anyway, after school I went to meet my lovely sister for a date at the trendy Chagall, which I by the way have to recommend. Their baguettes are delicious, their coffee lovely, and the owner super-friendly ;)

Went for the no-bangs look today ^^

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Soon ;)

My language exams in English and Swedish are over and it feels like I can finally chill a bit. Ok, I have maths, ESS and history left, but what the heck! Tomorrow I have a family dinner on the schedule and then it's almost weekend! Party party party! :D

Now when there is snow outside I had to switch my Converse into real winter boots ^^

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekend plans

Studying can be fun, but it can also be…not so fun. Especially not when you are studying for test week, or “death week” that people now have started calling it…:o

Only have to revise 17 chapters in math and then I’m ready to go!…No wait, I have 5 more subjects…-.-

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Today my day was spent at an exhibition called Sacomässan held for graduating students (like me) where you get the chance to speak to different schools and education organizations about your future etc. Since it wasn’t compulsory, many people in my school decided to take the day off instead, but I actually think these kinds of things are really good to go to, and if we wouldn’t have had a bus to catch, I so would have stayed longer…hehe.

Weekend reading - FUN! (I wasn’t the worst one, but lining it up like this makes me wonder why I always bring home too much of these kind of stuff…:o)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Kus kus

Blowing my beautiful readers a kus (kiss in Dutch) before heading to school. Today will be a busy, busy day…^^

Sunday, November 14, 2010


Before I am off to bed I want to share one of my new favourite songs which I love love love. You must listen to it. Hihi. ^^

Saturday, November 13, 2010

During breaks...

Even though you’re studying the whole day breaks are essential, because otherwise you won’t get anywhere anyway. This was what I did during my breaks today…

First I went to Barista with sis for some Fairtrade coffee and girls’ talk…

Text messaging like never before these days - but sis is worse though ^^

Then we went to meet mum for dinner at the Vietnamese owned restaurant, Fugu…sooo good! ;D

My study plan

After seeing my study plan for test week, my sister says:

I wanna go kill myself...

How should I interpret this as she first of all isn't the one doing the tests, and secondly - it's not even my final exams...!? :o


I really did knock out last night, and I didn’t wake up until quite recently actually. Hehe, sleeping as long as you want is one of the best things ever. ^^ But now I am up, and with a nice cup of hot tea next to me, I am officially announcing that I am having a studiedag (study day in English). I have to start preparing myself for test week once and for all…But before that, a sneak peak of my new hair color. ;)

People say it’s lighter than the one I had before, and maybe it is, but I don’t see a big difference. Or maybe I am just a bit colorblind…haha. ;p

Friday, November 12, 2010

Soon, soon

After a long day in school, a delicious dinner á la mami (she can really turn any simple dish into yumminess!), and a hot shower, I feel to call it a day. Because although it’s Friday, I’m about to knock out!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Moshi Moshi!

Although it's still minus degrees and thick layers of snow outside, I am so happy. Why? Because I have no classes today, so I don't have to go out in the cold! Hihi. :D

Instead, my plan is to sit inside, drink lots of hot coffee, and just be very productive with school work. After all, I always study best when I'm at home.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

December feelings

Just had my first lussebulle (it's like a saffron bun with raisins in it) of the year. Kind of insane when I really think about it since it's the beginning of November, and lussebullar are a part of the whole Christmas-December-thingy. But on the other hand it sure feels like Christmas is here soon since it's a freaking snow storm outside. -.-

So looking forward to more of this...NOT

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Don't want Monday to come...

Today I have just been studying and studying and studying. I can’t believe that one week of break is already gone…It feels like I haven’t done anything! :o

Ok I have been working and stuff, but when it comes to school work I have been slacking behind a bit which really isn’t good since I have a lot of stuff coming up next week - and test week in two weeks…Buhu. I don’t want Monday to come ;(

Here are some pictures from the weekend that makes me smile though...♥

Took a fika (the Swedish word for having coffee) with Maria...

And did some partying with Bianca ^^

Friday, November 5, 2010

Intense day

After my four-days taste of working life at a small business making sandwich layer cakes (yes, I am capable of working folks!), my body was screaming “someone give me a full body massage, please!”, while Vicki and my friends were shouting “you and me - lunch today!” and “potluck tonight - come!”. So in other words my horoscope for today was true when saying that the day would be intense, but that I would for sure have a nice night - because I sooo did. ♥

From one place…

To another...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Off to school

Remember how I said that I had no school today? Well technically I don’t, but as me and my friends are making a short movie for our English presentation held next Friday, I still have to go there today. Or now actually - I’m running late! :o

Katedralskolan - can never get enough of you huh? Not even during breaks.