Thursday, April 10, 2008

choco freak

2 hours. That was the time it took for today´s dinner. We are pretty amazing, especially for eating wafers...that takes like 10 minutes for "normal" people, but on the other hand we are not normal. We are unique. My family is unique ya´ll. =D

Right know I feel like this...

Hehe..why ? Well let´s say, when I got home from school mummy and I went to Gränby Centrum and there they handed out free chocolate...and not any kind of chocolate, Lindt chocolate =). So that was nice at the moment but now I have to diet for 2 weeks =.= hahaha...ate 4 pieces : 2 chilli/rasberry, 1 orange and 1 of my favourite, fig/chocolate mousse...YUMMO is all I have to say in defense...hihi...anyway this is what I brought home with me...

not bad huh ? And what ? Chocolate is my drug. Me love CHOCO !!!


Anonymous said...

hahaa...chocolate..drug for teenagers..haha

Sandra said...

more likely "the Women Drug". If you ask any woman what´s her passion, 8 out of 10 would say chocolate...and at least we are drugsmart - it´s better than the fake stuff - CHOCO is the real stuff =D