Friday, September 12, 2008

first REAL Chinese lesson

Yeay ! Today was my first real Chinese lesson and it was great, made a new Eurasian friend, Maria (like the other Chinese Maria in my class, so it is going to be a lot of mix-ups in the future, haha). Her dad is from China and is living in Bejing now, she was really nice and is at the same school as me. xD I still do not know the name of our teacher, neither does Maria even though she had her a couple of years (?) but we call her "Chinese teacher", so there is no problem anyway, hahaha...She is just the sweetest and we did not only have lesson, we talk during them before we go back to repeating and that makes it all so good.

So even though it is Friday and all I really want is to go home and rest, I did not really mind going to the Chinese class at all, because it was so much fun ! So looking forward to the next one, I mean I am happy she gave us homework ! =)

I am so happy about everything today, actually. Had two lessons today: Visual arts and then our phsychology teacher was gone - YIPPIE, lunch, 2½ hours of study technique (only today and another time) and then this point I just enjoy every part of today. Watching Oprah now so, Good Night Folks !

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