Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter dinner

Stressed, stressed, stressed. Just got home from an Easter dinner at Trudel. Tired as hell, but still have at least 20 minutes of physics to do (my friend Sabina and I - yes, the one that backstabbed me with the Facebook deal - made a study deal about doing at least 20 minutes of physics every day during the Easter break. And, so far I've managed pretty well. Meaning that I haven't started on antidepressives yet -.-). However, I'm lucky that the place wasn't full of screaming children running around all over the place, like some earlier visits...This time it was only three!

Shoot, shoot, shoot. Got to hurry up solving those physics questions now, cause mum and sis are sitting and waiting for me to get ready for some Oprah...Nighty!!!

1 comment:

Lewar xoxo said...

muahaha guess who convinced her to give ure deal up ?!?! ;P no Im just messin with u she just wanted to have more ways then one to keep in touch with her friends and for FREE!!!! u should get one to ;P
but it is up 2 u hun and nobody is forcing u to do something (do it! do it! do it! do it! do it!) noo im just kidding;P