Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pre-summer break

My goodness, finally the day before the day has arrived. Tomorrow I will be leaving dull Sweden for the beautiful city of Budapest. Mum told me the other day that I've been there before when I was little, but how am I possibly suppose to remember that? Haha. Anyhow, we won't be staying at any fancy hotel since my godfather lives there, but a trip to Austria is included in the travelling kit and that's more than fine! So, this is my last post for a while then...or until Wednesday when I am back in Sweden, to be more specific. Oops, better get ready for bed. I don't want to look like a dead (wo)man walking. However, all I can think of right now is the fact of me wearing sneakers to the airport instead of a pair of fierce heels, like usual. That thought kinds of frighten me now, haha. Well, I just have to work those sneakers I guess! Ciao.

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