Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daydreaming of Greece

I should really start working on my IOP (Individual Oral Presentation) in Swedish that I have for next Tuesday (which I haven't even begun with yet!), but I have no motivation at this moment whatsoever. All I can think about is getting on a plane and go someplace I've never been to, someplace with beautiful white beaches and a totally different culture...someplace like Greece.

I can't believe there are paradises like this in Europe. ^^ Or maybe it's more like: I don't want to believe there are. Because I'm still here in Sweden where the sun barely shines, and when it does, the wind catches you like a huge tornado... -.- So by thinking that places like this only exist far, far away (and not relatively close to Sweden), I won't get as bummed over the fact that I don't live in a place like that. See what I mean?

I wonder why dreaming of escaping the reality is sometimes so much funnier than being in it?

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