Saturday, April 17, 2010


I am not technically moving, but it sure feels like that when we've started preparing ourselves for the upcoming renovation of our apartment in May. I've spent so much time carrying around boxes and bags up and down the stairs, that I have had no time, nor strength, to do anything besides sleeping and eating. Haha, it sounds like the things you do when you are on holiday, but I assure you: this was definitely not a holiday...Thursday's session was the worst one, since we spent a total of nine hours sorting out all of the things that we will to give to charity, and the things we will keep/ throw. Puuh, that was a lot of work!

However, when the worst preparations are done for now, I have time for other things - like Kattemusikalen (my school's own musical), which I have tickets for tonight. And maybe I will even have time for an episode of Vampire Diaries or two before that, that is if I have finished my homework by then...-.-

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