Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can a day get more jj?

Of course we see and experience weird things in life but occasionally they all don't happen on the same day! Today we followed my uncle to do some business and rather unusual things happened.

1. There was a big traffic jam on the bridge while crossing the Klang River. Why? Well, because there had been some kind of accident and there were dead people floating around in the river which had to be picked up. The most jj thing here though was that all the busy body people had to pull over to stand there and watch! Watch the dead people being fished up! Who voluntarily wants to see that?!

2. Then, while waiting in the car I was just bending forward to pick something up and my top's strap broke! I, of course, panicked because I couldn't continue the rest of the day with an one strap top, unless I wanted people to really laugh at my sense of fashion...Thank God Vicki was creative enough to turn it into a tank top! Thanks Vicki!

3. When uncle Kevin later dropped us off at Tesco, Setia Alam a while, so we wouldn't get bored, there was a disgusting creepy man stalking us! First I did not notice him besides staring since it happens quite often here (people don't seem to see foreigners that often here or something!). But as he constantly came closer and continued staring like that, mum told us to walk away, QUICK! But as we walked, he followed and popped up just in front of our faces. I was so scared. Luckily, we got rid of him by escaping to the women section. Uncle Kevin later concluded him as one of those psychos.

4. Then, last but not least on the way home we saw a female walking on the road in opposite direction, wearing a towel turban! Hahaha! Had she got herself a bad haircut?, I wondered. My goodness, talk about this day being jj, huh?

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