Sunday, July 5, 2009

Just what I needed ;)

Finally I got a truly happy go lucky day that felt on the edge to perfect, but since nothing ever is perfect there of course had to be something not so good - like biting myself in the cheek just now when I ate my vegetarian noodle dinner. Maybe it sounds a bit late for eating dinner but when you are out shopping time flies! Four hours were spent at the ground floor didn't get any further of AEON Bukit Tinggi (the biggest Jaya Jusco in Malaysia) and some shopping was really necessary considering the big SALE signs making our eyes (or at least mine) sparkle...But don't assume that I was the big shopaholic today. No no, I only bought a green top (even though they had pink!) from Hush Puppies while mum (especially her) and Vicki were the ones who really spent money. However, after her purchase mum claimed that the GUESS top and bag that she just bought were going to be our future birthday gift to her, so that made me go above my budget shopping anyway.

Actually I was planning to buy a GUESS bag too. One of those small brown clutch sling bags, but since I questioned myself several times whether I needed another GUESS bag in my collection, consisting of two bags and a wallet (that I never had the time to use yet), I figured that I didn't really love it that much (to the extent of not being willing to let go of it to the bitchy girl with ugly colorful shoes, who also elbowed me two times!). But besides that, the day was a success! Okay, now I'm going to get back to reading Saving Fish From Drowning and stop babbling about my awesome day. See, I have the feeling that a lot of mosquitoes are on their way to feast on my Eurasian flesh...

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