Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bomb five - KL

Then it's time for the last bomb! KL...

First time I had a look into China Town.


Buhu, they were the perfect jeans shorts from Billabong. Why? Why didn't they have a size smaller left!? I was so sad...

So sad, I went to drain my sorrows...Maybe it didn't have any sugar, but it still wasn't woth the calories...

However these were...Everything from Secret Recipe.

Want a Pavilion here in Uppsala...Haha.

The Paul Frank store where I found a new pair of flip flops =)


shill said...

Oh my gosh... the cake looks like a perfect piece of heavenliness... Oh and, where were you planning on putting the Pavilion in Uppsala? ;D

Sandra said...

Haha, I don't know. Do you have any ideas? :P