Saturday, October 24, 2009


Sometimes you just got to ask yourself how you ended up in the place where you are.

For my part the day started at 10 a.m. where the family gathered around the kitchen table for our “traditional” weekend breakfast. Then in the middle of me sipping coffee, the phone rings. And from looking at the display, it’s shockingly my godfather! I answer and directly ask him “You’re in Sweden, aren’t you?”, he laughs and says “Yep, like 100 m away from you”. So I met him for coffee at Gränby Centrum (Uppsala’s biggest mall, just 5 min from our house) where we sat for a while just chatting. I haven’t seen him since my
Budapest trip in May-June so it was really nice to see him again. Also, it struck me that I’ve never had a chance to just spend time like this with him. But it was definitely fun, and the best part is that he agreed on contributing with a couple of thousands for a new hand phone ;D. See why we just LOVE godfathers!

Then I went home, passed some time by studying etc. till mami said she was ready, and we headed out for her delayed birthday dinner; let me just tell you, I was wearing a pink (of course, haha) belt around my waistline. 40 min into the dinner I had to loose it up by one hole. Another 30 min, I had to loose it up another hole. 10 min before leaving, I was just like “Arrgghh, screw the belt”.

Now I’m sitting here, wondering how I got to this point. I mean the day had started out so good, and now my stomach makes me look like I’m 5 months pregnant. Jeez…


Lewar xD said...

aww good 4 u that u meet him again xD haha miss u xoxo c ya soon :D

Hanna said...

I know the feeling... :(
But it's so nice to eat, isn't it!? ;P

Sandra said...

Hanna: haha, it's LOVELY to eat...but in moderation I suppose ^^ hahaha