Thursday, October 29, 2009

-Yes, I'm a SUBWAY virgin ;)

Time to take a quick shower before I meet up with Shilan, Lewar, and Hanna for a lunch date at Subway. Actually we were planning to go for some kind of Asian food/buffet, but I simply had to decline because at the moment I just want to puke thinking of Uppsala's supply of Asian food. It's not that it's bad IN THAT WAY, it's just that I've just had too much of it in the previous weeks and it almost tastes the same everywhere, so no thanks! However, that was when I got the idea of going to Subway because embarrassingly enough I'm still a Subway virgin...hehe. When I told my friends that the other day, they just went crazy.

They: "Wait, wait...WHAAAT? You haven't been to Subway!?"
Me: noo...
They: EVERYONE has been to Subway...Hey, don't worry, we'll take you to Subway. You have to eat at Subway!
Me: haha...well that was the idea since you're like the "Subway experts"... ;)
They: hehe...yes we are :)

That's how it went down, and now I'm finally going to have my first sub at Subway. See you later!

Don't know if I dare to eat that meatball one though, haha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


yfh :)

i'll buy you all the subway you want lol