Thursday, June 17, 2010

H&M makes me a shopoholic

I don’t like referring to myself as a shopoholic, but maybe that is what I am turning into every time I visit H&M. And I am serious, H&M is like a drug to me. They have everything I want, and everything I need when it comes to clothes and accessories, and on top of this, good prices and adorable staff. How can I not shop?

Today I bought this adorable black pencil skirt, which I know will always be timeless (therefore I bought it ok!)

And this übercute dress, that I see myself wearing in Paris or whatever (it even came with a golden belt matching my gold jewelry(!) - so had to buy it)

I know my current habits of almost always leaving H&M with something can't go on forever, but for's cool. - Meaning that I haven't calculated the amount of money I've spent yet...(but the question is: do I really want to? ^^)

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