Monday, July 12, 2010

Almost too hot

Despite the burning sun, me and mum decided to bike down to IKEA since we needed to buy some new things for the apartment. Luckily I don’t care if I turn brown anymore (if you’re not Asian I am not asking you to understand this, haha ^^), because if I would have, I would have become very disappointed. Today’s sunshine, or the sunshine that has been grilling Sweden for two weeks now, is simply inescapable…

Something else that is inescapable is the heat that obviously comes with the sunshine. Ok, I love when it’s warm, but since the air conditioners here in Sweden aren’t really equipped for it being this warm - they suck. So the only solution that have kept me alive so far is to drink lots and lots of ice cold water. Very smart of me huh? Haha. ;)

Every time I go to IKEA I end up eating my dinner there, hihi ^^

Today’s Dress-for-success: a simple green dress bought in Malaysia

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