Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What happened?

For the past couple of days I’ve been wondering and wondering why my internet connection has become so slow lately, but I haven’t been able to figure it out. From time to time this has happened, but not over a longer period than a couple of hours, so therefore I started to get a bit worried about possible viruses and stuff. However, the answer unexpectedly showed in a pop-up window when I was about to check my email this morning. It said something like :

“Due to the fact that you have exceeded the speed limit you are using for your internet connection, you now have limited access to internet”. (By that time I was literally freaking out - how was I to survive without internet this summer!? But when it continued with…) “You may still surf and send emails as usual” (and I was able to breathe out again).

So now I have to wait until next month until my internet connection is back to normal again. That is the consequence of streaming too much Vampire Diaries, One Tree Hill, and Ugly Betty. :O

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