Sunday, July 4, 2010

Disastrous ice-cream eating

The third and last day of moving has been quite chill, but it was a much needed “chill” though. Sis and I decided to take a break from all the “running-up-and-running-down-the-stairs” by biking down to town for a quick shopping round and some ice-cream. We thought that the ice-cream would be a way for us to just relax and to give ourselves some credit for all of the hard work we’ve been doing for the last couple of days, but that wasn’t really the case. Instead, the ice-cream eating became a “hurry-hurry-eat-eat-eat-before-it-all-melts!” battle between the us and the 35 °C burning sun.

It’s just crazy that it is this hot actually. Everyone has told me that the Swedish summers are really bad since they are all cold and rainy, but this year when I am for once spending the summer here, it’s not. This entire week has been sunny and hot - almost like Malaysia decided to pay me a visit. ^^ But just almost, ok.

Some of the “eat-eat-eat-before-it-melts!” action

But mmmm it was good! :D

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